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June 4, 2019

by Nutrition Ibiza

Intermittent Fasting means to not eat for 16 hours. It is actually quite easy since you sleep in between for 6-8 hours.

For example your last dinner is at 8pm then your breakfast will be at noon.

If you feel hungry before breakfast treat yourself with self-made juices, turmeric latte (non-dairy), coconut water or tea made with fresh herbs.

As soon as your system gets used to this cycle you will not feel hungry anymore.

June 4, 2019

by Nutrition Ibiza

Do you know what staying hydrated benefits? This is a reminder of how important water is. Staying hydrated is crucial for health and well-being. Many of us forget to consume enough fluids throughout the day.

The human body consists of 50-85% of water (depending on age).

  • Water is needed to
  • Properly digest your food
  • Get rid of the waste inside your body
  • Create saliva
  • Regulate your body temperature
  • Protect your tissues and joints
  • Prevent constipation
  • Help losing weight
  • Improve blood circulation
  • Boost energy
  • Keep a healthy, glowing skin

Dehydration can lead to serious health problems, including 

  • Swelling of the brain
  • Seizures
  • Kidney failure

If you tend to forget to drink enough water here is a tip:

Fill up a big glass bottle with water and place it next to you or carry it around all day. As soon as it is empty refill it. This assures that you drink enough water every day.



March 1, 2019

by Nutrition Ibiza

If you want to give your digestive system a break and feed your body only with natural, vital and nutrient-rich greens, then this detox soup is right for you. I created it for my detox program.

  • 1/2 onion, diced
  • 2 gloves of garlic, diced
  • A few branches of green kale, cut the stem off
  • A few leaves savoy, cut the stem off
  • Vegetable broth, yeast-free 1.5 litre 3 cubes
  • Half a head cauliflower, picked in small pieces
March 1, 2019

by Nutrition Ibiza

Why do we LOVE artichokes?


  • Loaded with nutrients
  • Lower LDL and increase HDL cholesterol
  • Regulate blood pressure
  • Improve liver health
  • Improve digestive health
  • Help lower blood sugar

Cut the ends and take the hard leaves of. Boil plenty of water, add salt, slices of 1 lemon and the artichokes. If you use a pressure cooker they will be cooked in 10min. In a normal pot, the cooking time is about 30-45min. Enjoy with a homemade avocado dip.

March 1, 2019

by Nutrition Ibiza

My two favorite colors are green & pink. Both are the colors of the heart chakra.

4th Chakra – Anahata – Heart. Pink is the color of universal love. Emotional love of self and others , friendship, affection, harmony, inner peace, has both fire and air element … In general, pink stones are calming, soothing, relaxing.

Dark green leafy vegetables are an excellent source of fiber, folate, and carotenoids. These vegetables also contain vitamins C and K and the minerals iron and calcium. In addition, dark green leafy vegetables act as antioxidants in the body.

Antioxidants for heart health!

February 18, 2019

by Nutrition Ibiza

When buying natural food check if it is still alive and vital. Like this cauliflower. The leaves are still protecting the veggie. They are wrapped around tight – a sign that this one has been harvested just recently.

  • Nutrients

This assures that all of the nutrients like vitamin C, vitamin K, folate, pantothenic acid vitamin B6, choline, dietary fiber, omega-3 fatty acids, manganese, phosphorus and biotin are still there to nurture you.

If you are living a lectin- or gluten-free lifestyle, if you try to eat fewer grains or if you simply do not like rice then try the cauliflower “rice” as an alternative option. Look it up!

January 4, 2019

by Nutrition Ibiza

How to prepare your body for a detox? A lot of people start to think about detoxifying their bodies at the beginning of the New Year. Might it be a New Years resolution to start in a healthy and powerful year, out of motivation to start something new or simply because you want to change certain habits to achieve a strong mind and body.

Whenever you think the time is right to give your body a detox here is some information how to start, what to consider and what should be implemented along the way.

Step To Prepare Your Body For A Detox

A clean, vital and nutrient-rich diet

The first step to preparing your body for detoxification is to adjust your diet to a natural and nutrient-rich one. While detoxifying your body needs a lot of strength and power to eliminate toxins.

You want to make sure to create a clean base and to nourish your body with nutrient-rich food at the same time to support and strengthen him whilst running through that process.

This can be achieved through nutrition, which is mainly alkaline and easy to digest. Your gut already starts to clean itself in a gentle way and your digestion will start to improve.

Good digestion is necessary to eliminate toxins through your stool and urine and to keep in the good stuff like minerals, amino acids, vitamins and trace elements providing you with energy and helping to get through the process.

  • Detox Programs

There are different Detox programs. You want to choose the one, which suits you the best. Already a 2-day-detox can help to increase energy, eliminate brain fog and to give your digestive system a break to activate the body´s healing power. Other detox options are juice cleansing, fasting, intermittent fasting, alkaline diet and gut cleanse programs.

Important is to find and choose a program which is effective and thus not harm you, which you won´t give up on and which is easy to integrate in your daily life. If you choose a program, which is short but intense you should take some time of work. Your body needs a lot of rest and gentle care while detoxifying.

A person who does not like juice for example, who might suffer under fructose intolerance and needs solid food to keep up the energy level should not consider a juice cleanse program or fasting. It would rather harm than help him and he might struggle to keep up with the program. He rather considers intermittent fasting or a nutrient-rich diet high on alkaline.

Get help

If you are not sure which program is right for you, get the help of a dietician or nutritionist. We design individual programs according to your current health situation, needs and the goals you like to achieve.

After preparing your body with an alkaline, natural, vital and nutrient-rich diet you can start with the detox program. This process can take between 2 days and several weeks.

After the detox is completed you should keep up the good work and continue feeding your body only natural and nutrient-rich food. Now since your important organs (gut, liver, pancreas, gallbladder, kidney, skin) experienced a reset they are able to function better.

They will eliminate future toxins with ease and they will make sure to place vitamins, minerals, amino acids and trace elements in the organs and liquids where they are needed.

After these 3 steps, you will benefit from the following.

  • Immune boost
  • Increase your energy levels
  • Get rid of brain fog
  • Lose that extra weight
  • Improve digestion
  • Reduce inflammation process
  • Improve your sleep
  • Clear up and rejuvenate your skin
  • Activate your body’s healing power

To support the detoxification consider the following

I. Sauna

  • Helps to eliminate heavy metals
  • Sweating eliminates hormone-disrupting BPA, which accumulates in your fat cells
  • Don´t forget to drink a lot of water and get plenty of salt, preferable Himalayan pink salt to reintroduce electrolytes which you lose whilst sweating

ii. Exercise to flush toxins

Exercise increases lipolysis (the breakdown of fat tissue)

iii. Bind the toxins

It is very important to bind the toxins, which started to circulate in your body. You do not want to shift them in other parts of your body. Your body will flush them out through your stool and urine.

There are different ways to bind toxins. You can either use Bentonite & Psyllium husk or activated charcoal.

iv. Supplements

There are recommended supplements they help to support the detoxification process, protect you from heavy metal damage, support liver enzymes and help binding and eliminating toxins.

v. Sea salt bath or foot bath

Sea salts are great for removing toxins from the body. It is alkaline and will help to lower acidity in the body.

Dissolve one pound of sea salt and one pound of baking soda to a regular sized tub of water (more if the tub is large) as hot as you can stand it. Stay in the bath until the water has cooled which will be about 45 minutes. If the bath is too hot, you can add some cold water if this is the only way you can manage to stay in for at least 30 minutes. Don’t ever add more hot water after entering the bath, however.

Do not rinse or shower but simply towel dry after the bath is complete. This bath will likely make you tired so do it in the evening before bed if possible.

If you do not have a tub you can easily dissolve the salt in a bucket or larger bowl. Place your feet in it and leave them there for about 30 minutes.

vi. Skin brushing

Dry skin brushing is a swift and powerful way to enhance the detoxification process. It is easy, pleasant and yields tremendous benefits.

Not only does it improve the appearance of your skin by eliminating dead cells and helping new skin to regenerate, it also stimulates blood circulation, the lymphatic system, and greatly enhances toxin elimination.

All you need is a natural bristle brush. Start with brushing your feet and soles, moving upwards the thighs in small circular motions.

For the upper body part, put one arm up and brush down towards your armpit and then move to the other arm. When brushing your torso brush towards the heart. Brushing over the top of the breast insists on the armpit, where there is a concentration of lymphatic nodes. Finish off with small circular brushing around the neck and shoulders.

Brush your abdomen from the right side to the left, in the natural directional flow of the intestines, and go around in circles to gently massage the colon. I insist on the hips and thighs as skin brushing is an excellent treatment for cellulite.

As a general guide, it is more beneficial to brush from the extremities towards the core of the body.

June 2, 2018

by Nutrition Ibiza

Do you remember the times when your mom was serving you strawberry milk? We, as kids, loved it since it was creamy and fruity, fresh and sweet. Unfortunately, our moms did not know better back in the day. The Simple Strawberry Smoothie was made of cow milk with lots of sugar.

I learned to refuse dairy products at a very early stage. Call it intuition or instinctive knowledge. Kids do know what’s best for them! They are mostly listening to their gut feelings if we only let them. They know when they lack proteins, fats, carbs, minerals, or vitamins and instinctively choose the right food.

May 22, 2018

by Nutrition Ibiza

If you don’t want to miss out on crepe but want to avoid gluten and lectin, this is your option. Tapioca Crepe, also known as Cassava, Manioc, or Yuca, has many health benefits besides its unique taste.

Health Benefits of Tapioca Crepe

  • Removes Scars and Spots
  • It helps You Lose Weight
  • Good For Your Digestive System
  • Prevents Cancer
  • Treats Diarrhea
  • Good For The Eyes
  • Help Treat Rheumatic Diseases
  • Clear Up Worms
  • Develops Appetite
  • Strengthens Immunity
  • Boosts Energy And Improves Brain Function
  • Beneficial For Nerve Health
  • Maintains Healthy Muscles
  • Lowers Blood Pressure
March 9, 2018

by Nutrition Ibiza

This beautiful raw vegan cake is for all who fancy cake but want to stick to a healthy version. The good news up front – besides the health benefits – the preparation is so simple, and it only takes 30 min of your time!

Health Benefits of Raw Vegan Cake

Here are some of the health benefits:


Prevents bad breath, aids in maintaining healthy skin, protects the liver from damage, keeps eyes healthy, reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases, aids in digestion and weight management, helps to overcome morning sickness during pregnancy


Tina Kaczor

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